- Certificate of Syrian board in nephrology 1984 .
- One year training in Renal unit – St Jams’s University hospital –Leeds ,UK .1983-1984
- Certificate of High Postgraduate Education in Internal Medicine, Aleppo University, SYRIA, 1982.
- Certificate of Medicine Doctor – Aleppo University SYRIA, 1979.
- Consultant physicians in internal medicine & nephrology in governmental & private hospitals Aleppo , SYRIA 1989- 2014
- Head of nephrology and renal transplantation department in Aleppo surgical governmental Kidney hospital Aleppo, SYRIA 2004- 2013
- Head of internal medicine department in Aleppo Labors union Hospital 1989-1994
- Research :anemia and bleeding tendency in chronic renal failure, Multi organs failure in trauma and burns , Renal failure in sepsis and burns , glumerulonephritis in Syrian people .
- Membership of Syrian, Arabic , international medical associations and societies in (Nephrology , Diabetes, Internal Medicine
Area in Expertise:
- Nephrology / Internal Medicine