Dr. Najwa Saif is a fertility specialist who is trained to treat the spectrum of reproductive medicine conditions and infertility. Dr. Najwa received her primary medical degree (MBCHB) in the year 1990 from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Dr. Najwa worked in the biggest IVF centers in Jordan before gaining international experience in Australia in the field of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility from the Royal Hospital for Women, Sydney.
After completing her master degree in Reproductive health sciences and genetics from the University of Sydney in 2001, she joined the Assisted Conception Unit at Muscat Private Hospital until 2008. Dr. Najwa rejoined the Assisted Conception Unit team at Muscat Private Hospital returning from Sydney in 2011. Dr. Najwa’s work is primarily involved with assisted reproductive technology such as IVF / ICSI, ovulation induction, artificial insemination and male related infertility.