Dr. Nezar has obtained his primary medical qualification from University of Al Anbar, College of Medicine – Iraq in 1998. He has diploma of family medicine from Royal College of General Practitioners and Diploma of Emergency Medicine from American Society of Emergency Medicine. Dr. Nezar had a wide exposure to all kind of emergencies since starting his residency in Iraq 10 years ago, along with his focus on pediatric, medical, surgical and family medicine cases and his wide academic involvement as assistant researcher and teaching associate in the same college that he graduated from, then moved to the busy A&E of Sohar Hospital / MOH in 2007 as medical officer covering wide range of medical, pediatric, trauma and surgical emergencies for 4 years till proudly joining the leading private hospital in the Sultanate, MPH for 6 years taking care of family medical cases and emergency cases of all kinds.
Dr. Nezar had his qualifications from American Heart Association as BLS, ACLS both provider and instructor and PALS provider. He had many to mention training courses in his field both local and international which had make him highly qualified to take care of his patients in his field of practice.
Area in Expertise:
- Emergency Medicine