Dr. Tariq Amin Sheikh is a Senior Consultant Orthopedic surgeon holding FRCS degree and various other fellowships. He is involved in the care of patients with polytrauma and other general orthopedic problems involving knee, ankle, elbow, wrist and back with special interest in pediatric orthopedic problems, which includes injuries in children, obstetric palsy, injuries due to child abuse, various congenital anomalies including Talipes foot, congenital dislocation of hips, Coxa Vara, Bow legs, vertical talus, flat feet and correction of various deformities using “JESS and ILIZAROV FIXATOR” Dr. Tariq sheikh has a keen interest in treating mentally handicapped children with cerebral palsy and other neuromuscular diseases, using various methods including Botex injection, soft tissue surgeries, bony surgeries and through various rehabilitation Programs. He also deals with neglected and malunited fractures.
Dr. Tariq had extensive advanced training in AO (Swiss) and is involved in conducting these AO courses both basic and advanced as chairman to train doctors in Oman for many years.
He has lectured on many topics in international and national conferences sharing his experience with other colleagues. He has organized many orthopedic conferences to train and impart knowledge.
Dr. Tariq sheikh was heading the unit in Khoula hospital and was senior lecturer at Sultan Qaboos University Hospital and a co-coordinator for student teaching program for many years. He was extensively involved in teaching students of Sultan Qaboos University Hospital and the training of post graduate doctors sent for higher surgical training in orthopedics.
Dr. Tariq sheikh was specially trained in Iowa university USA for treating club foot deformities using Ponseti method of treatment.
Area in Expertise:
- General orthopedic problems
- Knee, hip and ankle pains -Polymyalgia
- Polyarthritis
- Back and neck pains
- Sprains and strains
- Various fractures
- Congenital problems in children
- Congenital hip dislocation
- Congenital Talipes equinovarus
- Limb length differences & Deficiencies
- Gait abnormalities (limping) -Rotational deformities
- Bone or joint infections and tumors